Jeep Wrangler Soft Top Support
Many Wranglers that run soft tops have issues with the soft top sagging under heavy rain or snow. Here is my video from my Power Addicts YouTube channel that shows an inexpensive and easy fix for this issue.
Many Wranglers that run soft tops have issues with the soft top sagging under heavy rain or snow. Here is my video from my Power Addicts YouTube channel that shows an inexpensive and easy fix for this issue.
Jeep transmission needs an oil change. I take you through the procedure of changing the oil in my trans. Specs about the various different ones as well. Jeep transmission – change oil in an AX15
Jeep Wrangler YJ Engine Swap? Is it because the engine went bad or worn out? Or, is it for the quest of more power or something different? More times than not, engine swaps are because something went wrong with the original. I have many many times pulled the original engine just to do an upgrade…
Jeep Paracord Handles are very easy to make. Yes they can be purchased but where is the fun in that?? Jeep paracord handles – Solomon knot or Cobra weave
22 inch Auxbeam V Series LED Light bar – I like new toys as anyone would. So, when Auxbeam asked if I would like to try out some of their products, I was happy to jump on the opportunity. Wanna know what the cool feature of this light bar is? It has business and party…
52 inch Auxbeam 5D LED bar – This light bar actually impressed me! It focuses the light from the LEDs in a tight pattern, kinda like an old school spot light. It does have flood lens on the ends which do disperse some light to the sides. But not really a huge amount. Materials: 52″…
22 inch Auxbeam LED bar – I like new toys as anyone would. So, when Auxbeam asked if I would like to try out some of their products, I was happy to jump on the opportunity. Materials: 22″ Auxbeam Cross series LED bar. Plastic lens to create flood pattern. 2 different mounting options. Bolts for…
Jeep grill mod – Customization is a given. Why? It’s one of the easiest ways to add your custom touch to make you stand out from the others. There are many options that you can do. Here are just a few. Check out the grill mod video at the bottom of the page. Jeep Grill Mod –…
Jeep LED Headlight upgrades are becoming more and more popular. Why do you ask? Simple … LEDs rock!! When comparing halogen bulbs to LEDs, assuming both emitting the same amount of light, the LEDs will be using a fraction of the electrical current. If you have an old Jeep like mine, the electrical system will…
Jeep hood-mounted light bar is a great addition to any wrangler wheeling off-road. Since doing my H4 headlight conversion, I have really enjoyed the added distance and visibility while driving on the highway. Headlights are much more focused on what’s directly in front of you, which is as it should be. The downside is when…