Homemade Sensor Tester

Homemade sensor tester that’s portable. It can be taken to the junkyard to test sensors so you can have cheap spares on hand. Especially that cam and crank position, they can leave you stranded if they go bad. Keep the extras in the glove box to always keep them handy. Homemade sensor tester made from…

Fluid Pump

Fluid pump made from some vinyl tubing and an empty peanut butter jar. Do the air nozzle trick and this thing will pull a power steering pump dry in less than a minute. Pump the fluids from the Jeep differentials, there are many uses I’m sure y’all can dream up for it! Let your imagination…

Clutch Problem

Clutch problem in the Jeep Wrangler YJ Gotta Clutch problem in the YJ had been coming and going for about a month. I tried to make it last until I was ready to do the engine swap. One day on the way to work, I was really wondering if I was going to make it….

About Fix Jeeps

About Fix Jeeps and I?? Hmmm …. Well, lets start out like this. Hello, my name is Chuck Goolsby. I’m also a person who loves to tinker with about anything that keeps my hands and mind busy. Even if it appears that I’m sitting still (which is rare), you can bet the mental gears are…

Gear Shift

Gear shift: Shifter mods, fixes or custom shift knobs for the Jeep. Custom shift knobs Here is an idea for a custom transfer case shifter. I was roaming though an army surplus store and ran across these 20mm dummy rounds. Inspiration struck me .. I had to do it. I needed a shifter for my…