Jeep Transfer Case

Jeep transfer case maintenance is actually easy. Change the fluid when needed and make sure there are no leaks, pretty much it. Jeep Transfer Case re-clock This transmission that was installed in the YJ came from a 1995 Cherokee. The rear transmission tail shaft housing needs to be re-clocked to put the transfer case in…

O2 Sensors

O2 sensors basically sniffs the exhaust and outputs voltage between 0 and 1 volt indicating how much oxygen is in the exhaust. The PCM reads the output voltage from the O2 sensor to adjust the rich/lean condition of the fuel mixture. O2 Sensors Information Where are the sensor/s located? The oxygen sensor is located in…

Jeep Switches

Jeep Switches – Sometimes they are replaced out of necessity. Sometimes they are upgrades for existing. Or, better yet, they are added for controlling off road lighting, interior lights or even starting your engine. The cool thing is there are so many different choices to choose from. There are Rocker, toggle, push-button switches. You can…

MAP sensor

MAP sensor or Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor takes the pressure or vacuum in the intake manifold and converts it to an electrical signal for the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) to read. The PCM then knows how much fuel to send to the injectors and how much timing the engine needs. At the bottom of the…

YJ Push Button Start

YJ push-button start is a very popular mod. Some people do it to get around a faulty ignition switch. I did the mod because the column cylinder lock is broken. Then there are the people that do the mod simply because it is just totally cool. Installing a remote start switch on the YJ is…

Jeep posi lok

Jeep posi lok is a modification that removes the VERY unreliable vacuum actuation part of the Central Axle Disconnect (CAD). Leaving you with a manual cable control that you know that the the front axle is engaged when you need it. Whether you build your own like I did or buy the kit, it’s a…

Jeep Wrangler Wheels

Jeep Wrangler wheels share the same lug pattern as many other cars. I have investigated many different websites and other sources. Here is a list of cars that share the Jeep Wrangler YJ & TJ lug pattern. Note that I also listed the center hub hole diameter. Inn some cases that center hole can be…