Jeep troubleshooting will show you how to get the DTC from the Power Control Module. Brief description of each sensor function, where it is located on your Jeep and possible reasons they go bad. Best of all a Step by step of how to test each sensor and changing it out if needed.

Don’t be afraid of these little contraptions. They really aren’t that complicated on these little Jeep engines. The YJ’s and early XJ’s come out with one of the most simple multi-port injection systems of any vehicle. Simplicity is one of the reasons people fall in love with the older generation Jeeps.

Jeep Troubleshooting – sensors

That little Jeep check engine light can be a bad surprise. Or, it can help save you lots of time and issues if you make it tell you what’s ailing your Wrangler. Click here to see more …
Jeep Ignition CoilHere is the heart of the spark. It the ignition coil. It job is to provide the spark to the spark plugs. It can be weak or go completely out. Click here to see more..
Jeep Throttle Position SensorThe Jeep throttle position sensor has a very simple job. If it starts acting up, it can create some headaches. Wanna know more? Click here to see more …
Jeep MAPThis sensor reads manifold pressure depending on engine load. Take this reading and tells the PCM what needs to be adjusted. When the MAP sensor gives trouble, it can be subtle or rough. Click here to see more …
Jeep O2 SensorThis sensor reads the fuel-to-air ratio coming out of the exhaust. Taking this reading to the PCM to adjust fuel mixture when needed. Usually when this sensor goes bad it just usually results in bad fuel mileage. Click here to see more …
Jeep Crankshaft Position SensorThis sensor reads a bunch of slots on the spinning flywheel. Sounds like a simple enough job doesn’t it? Let this sensor go bad and the Jeep becomes dead driveway art! Click here to see more …
Jeep Camshaft Position SensorThis sensor reads which cylinder is firing. Sending that information to the PCM. The PCM then syncs the fuel injectors to the proper firing order. Another sensor that will leave you stranded if it goes bad. Click here to see more …
Jeep Intake Air TempIntake Air Temperature Sensor does what the name implies. It reads the intake air temp and sends that reading to the PCM. Then the PCM adjust the air/fuel mixture according to the air density. Click here to see more …
Jeep Coolant Temp SensorThe PCM takes the reading from the Coolant Temperature Sensor to adjust fuel and timing. Also, it helps tell the Idle Air Motor when to open and close. This sensor shouldn’t leave you stranded. But it can cause a few headaches! Click here to see more …

The YJs and early XJs are simple little rides. When Jeep troubleshooting, these basic sensors are what you check when you are having trouble. If the Jeep is just turning over and not hitting at all. Check for spark at the plugs. No spark? Then go for the Crankshaft or camshaft position sensor first.

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